Side Effects Of Sleeping Pills

Side effects of sleeping pills

Side effects of sleeping pills

Sleeping pills usually make patients tolerate the drugs, and they are common in patients taking chloral hydrate. The efficacy of sleeping pills will decrease with the time of use, so it is only suitable for short-term use and should not exceed 4 weeks.

Sleeping pills can also cause patients to become drug-dependent, addicted, and have withdrawal symptoms which are common in patients taking benzodiazepines, zopiclone, and slapsticks. Once you stop taking it, you may experience withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, depression, inattention, insomnia, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of appetite, tremor, sweating, and restlessness.

In severe cases, symptoms such as muscle twitches, confusion or delusions, convulsions, and hallucinations may occur. Even after the drug is stopped, the patient may still experience intermittent wakefulness and realistic dreams. In addition, the following common side effects may also occur while taking sleeping pills:

▪︎ Foot sleep lasting until the next day
▪︎ Amnesia, dizziness
▪︎ Muscle weakness, unstable walking
▪︎ Abnormal reactions, such as increased hostility and aggressiveness, irritability, and excitement
▪︎ Complex sleep-related behaviors such as sleepwalking, driving while sleeping, eating and making phone call

😰Each drug has different side effects, and the time when withdrawal symptoms begin to appear is also different. Short-acting benzodiazepine drugs will appear early withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, patients should pay attention to the side effects, and slowly reduce the dose until the drug is stopped under the guidance of the doctor.

●Since taking sleeping pills will cause side effects such as tolerance, addiction and withdrawal symptoms mentioned above, they should be used under the supervision of medical staff, and the lowest and effective dose and the shortest course of treatment should be used. The course of treatment should not exceed 4 Week.
Sleeping pills may cause persistent sleepiness, so after taking sleeping pills, you should not drive or operate machinery, and avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Sleeping pills can’t be stopped casually?

Sudden discontinuation of sleeping pills will cause withdrawal symptoms, which may cause confusion, toxic psychosis, convulsions, or delirium tremens.
Therefore, the patient must slowly reduce the dose to stop the drug in accordance with the withdrawal plan as directed by the doctor.

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