The Effect of Vitamin E

the effect of vitamin e

Anti-aging, anti-oxidation, and blood vessel protection!

To reduce body oxidation and delay aging, one of the most important nutrients is vitamin E. It is not only one of the main substances with strong antioxidant power in the human body, but also has the function of maintaining the health of reproductive organs and protecting blood vessels. It is also considered ” Anti-cancer rising star in the vitamin family”. However, to obtain the best vitamin E health effects, taking natural vitamin E from food is more effective than eating nutritional supplements!

Vitamin E has a 3.5 times higher absorption rate than synthetic products

Although there are also a variety of nutritional supplements available in the market, studies have shown that natural vitamin E has a 3.5 times higher absorption rate than synthetic products, and has more than 10 times more antioxidant and anti-aging capabilities. Therefore, the best way to ingest it is to eat more nuts, fruits and vegetables, to supplement a variety of nutrients from natural foods at once!

The efficacy of vitamin E


Vitamin E has strong antioxidant power and helps prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.Appropriate supplementation of natural vitamin E can block the carcinogen “nitrite” and help inhibit tumors.


In terms of beauty and health care, vitamin E has the effects of delaying the aging of body organs and skin, improving hair loss, and moisturizing the skin. It is also helpful for wound healing and preventing scars after surgery or trauma patients. A moderate supplement of vitamin E for the elderly can not only enhance immunity, but also help prevent the deterioration of the brain and body organs.


Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, can prevent the oxidation of progesterone and maintain ovarian health. Therefore, women who may have infertility or habitual miscarriage can supplement it in appropriate amounts.


Vitamin E has the effect of preventing platelet coagulation and adhesion to blood vessel walls.Vitamin E can expand blood vessels, prevent blood clotting, protect vascular endothelial cells, and is beneficial to blood vessel health.


Vitamin E is also an indispensable ingredient for the immune system.In addition to normal immune function, vitamin E is also particularly important for the function of T lymphocytes. In addition to a healthy diet for middle-aged and elderly people over 45, supplementing with vitamin E can significantly improve immunity.

Foods containing vitamin E


Each ounce (about 23 pieces) of almonds contains more than 7 mg of vitamin E, which is more than half of the daily requirement for adults. In addition, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, and peanut butter are also nut sources rich in vitamin E.


Each cup of cooked spinach contains 4 mg of vitamin E. You can also eat more antioxidant-rich broccoli and tomatoes.


Including mango, avocado, kiwi, etc.

How to eat vitamin E to be effective

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, so supplementing after meals and adding healthy oils such as avocado, nuts, olive oil to the diet can help vitamin E absorption. In addition, taking it together with vitamin C can further increase the antioxidant power and enhance the protective effect on the skin.

What to pay attention to when eating vitamin E

Because vitamin E has an anticoagulant effect, it should not be used in combination with anticoagulants (such as aspirin) to avoid bleeding.

In addition, the combined use of vitamin E and oral iron supplements will reduce the effectiveness of iron and vitamin E. Taking large doses of vitamin E may also be potentially harmful, so supplementing vitamin E from the diet is the best way.

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