Health Benefits of Whole Milk

health benefits of whole milk

Benefits of whole milk

Milk fat contains beneficial nutrients

The main difference between low-fat and whole milk is the fat content. Generally speaking, the fat content of low-fat milk is about 0.5 to 1.5%, and that of whole milk is 3 to 3.8%. Is the fat in milk good?

In the past, related studies have found that drinking whole milk will not cause cardiovascular disease and obesity, and can even reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and milk fat actually contains many nutrients that are beneficial to human health.

Fatty acids that are beneficial to the human body:

  • Oleic acid: It accounts for about 30% of all fatty acids. Oleic acid can reduce cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol). It has a protective effect on the heart and protects the heart. , Prevention of cardiovascular disease plays an important role.
  • Lecithin: It can promote cholesterol and fat metabolism, remove cholesterol on the blood vessel wall, prevent hardening of the blood vessels, and protect the cardiovascular system.
  • Short-chain fatty acids: The short-chain fatty acids in milk are easily digested and absorbed, and have immune regulation and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Medium-chain fatty acids: can reduce insulin resistance (the cause of type 2 diabetes) and may help reduce the incidence of diabetes.

Drinking whole milk has obvious protective effect on cardiovascular disease and stroke

Many people think that the cholesterol content of whole milk must be higher than that of low-fat and skimmed milk. However, taking the same 100cc milk as an example, the cholesterol content of whole milk is 13 mg and that of low-fat milk is 10 mg. The difference is actually Not big.

Studies have found that the higher the intake of dairy products, the more relevant it is to cardiovascular health. If you drink whole milk, the protective effect is more obvious. Unless you consume too much saturated fat, otherwise, you don’t need to choose full-fat or low-fat milk. Instead, you should pay attention to whether you drink enough milk to increase calcium intake and maintain bone health.

The well-known medical journal “The Lancet” is published online. It is a large-scale urban and rural long-term follow-up study across 21 countries. Studies have found that the more milk and yogurt are consumed, the lower the cardiovascular disease, stroke and total mortality, which are related to protection; if you choose to drink whole milk, the protective effect is more obvious.

Nutritional composition of milk

Nutritional composition of milk :

Serving content 100 g

Energy (kcal) 42

Fat 1 g (Saturated fat 0.6 g)

Cholesterol 5 mg

Sodium 44 mg

Potassium 150 mg

Carbohydrate 5 g

Sugar 5 g Protein 3.4 g

Calcium 125 mg

Vitamin D 1 IU

Vitamin B12 0.5 µg

Magnesium 11 mg

1. Milk calcium supplements bones

The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in milk is more suitable for calcium supplementation. Milk contains vitamin D, lactose, amino acids and other factors that promote calcium absorption, and is the main source of high-quality dietary calcium.

Want to supplement calcium in the quickest and simplest way, drinking milk is the best way.

2. Milk delays aging

Milk contains vitamins A and D. Vitamin A is a good antioxidant and can delay aging.

3. Can replenish protein

Milk contains high-quality protein and 9 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body, so in terms of protein supplement, it is easily absorbed by the body.

Choose a cup of milk that suits you

It is recommended that healthy adults and children drink whole milk. Whole milk retains the nutrients in milk to the greatest extent, is rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, etc., and contains natural calcium, which is conducive to the body’s absorption of calcium.

Middle-aged and elderly people need to fortify vitamin A and D milk. The gastrointestinal absorption capacity of middle-aged and elderly people becomes worse, and calcium loss and vitamin deficiency are more obvious. Milk is one of the cheapest and most convenient sources of vitamins A and D, and it can be used in moderate amounts for middle-aged and elderly people.

High blood fat, weight loss, suitable for drinking low-fat milk products. Such people cannot consume too much fat, especially saturated fatty acids. Skim milk is the best choice for them. At the same time, skim milk is also conducive to controlling calories.

People with lactose intolerance are suitable for drinking low-lactose milk. Such people lack lactase in the digestive tract, so they cannot digest the lactose in milk. At present, there are many low-lactose milk with lactase on the market. Most of the lactose in this milk has been broken down, which can reduce the problem of intolerance. *When choosing, you should pay attention to the product label, and choose milk with “low lactose” and “hydrolyzed lactose”.

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