Healthy Eating During the Covid-19 Pandemic

healthy eating during the covid-19 pandemic

Anti-epidemic diet 3 keys, anti-virus, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidation!

A nutritionist said that when a virus is infected, the body’s immune system bears the brunt. It will first destroy the immune system and then further attack the human body. When the human body’s immunity is low, an inflammatory reaction will occur, and various symptoms will occur. Therefore, the “anti-epidemic diet” anti-virus will be the primary key, followed by anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation, in order to achieve the purpose of fighting the virus, and these nutrients are widely found in various common ingredients, and the public can consume moderately on the premise of a balanced diet.

7 types of nutrients to help prevent epidemics and enhance protection

1.Quercetin (aka Onionin):

Helps fight viruses, including RNA viruses and DNA viruses, and inhibits the entry of viruses into cells, reduces the possibility of replication, and reduces the production of inflammatory factors. Its availability is higher than that of curcumin. At present, there are many studies that quercetin may be used as a drug against new coronary pneumonia. Quercetin is found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including onions, shallots, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, grapes, apples, strawberries, blueberries, cranberries and other berries.


Helps antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, etc., and is beneficial to inhibit the virus from entering human cells and replicating. There are also many studies that suggest that curcumin may be one of the rising stars to be developed into medicines and nutritional foods in the future. However, it is also because curcumin is well-known for its health benefits. Many studies in Japan have found that many people who pay attention to health care have drug-induced liver damage. Among them, the group that excessively supplements turmeric accounts for 1/4 of the overall cause. Special attention should be paid to it. pay attention to. In addition, those with liver function and fatty liver should avoid taking curcumin to avoid increasing the burden on the liver. Curcumin is a fat-soluble phytochemical, and it is easier to absorb after eating. Turmeric is not found in ginger, the two are different, and it is also commonly found in curries made with turmeric.


Probiotics are very important to human body and intestinal health. 70% of human immune cells exist around the intestinal tract. Probiotics help intestinal health and regulate the immune system. However, probiotics supplemented through food are in the intestine for about one to two weeks and cannot survive for a long time. They need continuous supplementation. They can be ingested through sugar-free yogurt. At the same time, prebiotics need to be supplemented to help probiotics grow , which is dietary fiber.

4.Vitamin C:

Helps the body to produce antibodies, white blood cells, prevent infection, resist oxidation, and maintain the health of respiratory mucosa. Commonly found in vegetables and fruits, but vitamin C is easily damaged by light, heat and oxygen, and the content of vegetables is low after cooking. It is recommended to focus on fruits, such as citrus, guava, kiwi, strawberry, blueberry, etc. It also reminds that vegetables and fruits cannot be substituted for each other and should be consumed in a balanced manner.

5.Vitamin D:

It stimulates immune cells, accelerates the development of immune cells, strengthens the functioning of the immune system, and reduces the risk of respiratory infections. The best way to ingest is to bask in the sun. It is recommended to stay at home for epidemic prevention. You can bask in the sun moderately by the window, but it should not be too long. Food supplementation is less effective. If you want to take it from ingredients, it is recommended to choose shiitake mushrooms that have been exposed to the sun. However, many shiitake mushrooms are air-dried and it is difficult to judge. The salmon, egg yolks also contain vitamin D, but the content is less.


It is beneficial to maintain the development and normal operation of the immune system, and helps maintain the normal sense of smell and taste. It is common for the elderly to have abnormal sense of smell and taste due to zinc deficiency. This nutrient is commonly found in a variety of seafood, beans, whole grains, and pumpkin seeds.


Selenium is a very important trace mineral that is present in immune cells, allowing them to function properly, and helps maintain lymphocyte activity and promote antibody formation. Commonly found in sesame, garlic, mushrooms, seafood, oatmeal.

  • A nutritionist reminds that nutrition through food can help increase the protection of the body, but it should not be regarded as a drug, and a balanced diet should still be paid attention to.
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